There is something that Sasha yells sternly once in a while, and I couldn't figure out what it was. It sounded sort of like "Daaaa" and I thought it was "dad" because she usually yelled it when she wanted him. Then one night as I was getting Sasha settled to bed, I needed my husband to come and turn off the lights as I could not get up and do it myself. So I yelled "Jon?" across the house. Sasha then copied me: "Daaa?". That's when I realized what she's yelling. It's Jon's first name.
She won't say her own name though. We've tried to teach her that her name is Sasha but she just won't say it no matter how we try. I think she knows it though.
Everyday she continues to learn new words and new signs. She picks them up almost instantly. I got her some foam alphabet bath toys and started showing her the letters and she can say almost every letter's name when I say it (copies my words). (W is too hard of a letter for her to say).
I remember when Cassie was little, she had alphabet refridgerator magnets and somehow she learned to identify each letter of the alphabet before she was even two so I know it's possible to learn even without trying hard. I'm not going to push it but I think it's good to at least expose Sasha to that sort of stuff.
As for the picture above, sure she's being silly with Dada's glasses with some crazy wild hair. But just look at those pretty eyes.
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