This is the best age! Sasha has been my little buddy and it is so rewarding to be her parent.
I haven't blogged much lately, and I think part of it is there are just so many cool new things with her that there's no way I can keep up. And now I'm way behind, but I guess that's okay.
She still pretends to be different people or animals, which is now the norm with her. She is NEVER Sasha anymore. She's a dog, a cat, a frog, Wow-Wow Wubbzy, Cassie, Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, "Max and Ruby", Spongebob, or whoever she decides she is at that moment.
For example, if she's a dog, she'll run around the house panting with her tongue hanging out, barking, and she'll try to lick me on my face!
When she's in trouble, she'll pretend she is Dad in the hopes that she won't be punished. "NO! I'm Dad!", as if that changes everything.
When she wears a hat, she is Grandpa. Because a Grandpa always wears a hat, of course.
Sometimes she runs up to Cassie and says "I'm Cassie!", then she'll run around and copy everything Cassie does.
There was a show on tv about animals, and it was talking about snakes. Sasha was enthralled with this new information and clearly found it cool. "I'm SNAKE!", she yelled and then pretended to be a snake for a few minutes until it was time to be something else.
She takes great care of everyone and is so amazingly affectionate. If she thinks we're hurt, she'll kiss our owie, look us deep in our eyes and ask, "Much better?". If we look sleepy, she'll get us a pillow and blanket and carefully tuck us in. Then she'll hug us and try to snuggle us to sleep, the way we do for her.
Sometimes she'll just sit down next to me and snuggle for a little while. Sometimes she hugs me then lays down in my lap and falls asleep. It reminds me of when she was much younger, when she always fell asleep in my arms. It eventually became rare for her to sleep in my arms, so it's cute that she's doing that again. I enjoy it as I'm sure it won't last. I try to enjoy every moment.
I could go on and on. She is very expressive about everything she sees. She cracks little jokes. It's really fun, now that she's talking, to hear what she thinks about things, especially when she observes something new.
Her copycat ways can be very enlightening. Sometimes she'll mimic me and I won't notice. Then I'll see her looking back and forth between herself and me, while she's trying very hard to sit cross legged or to position herself in the same way I am.
I wish I could remember everything I meant to write about, but there is just so much that I can't remember any of it. She has dozens of new skills and tricks every day and she just has so much personality!