Happy Birthday Jon!
For his birthday, we got him a water heater. A 2.2l water dispenser that we found at the local japanese supermarket. This now puts hot tea at his fingertips at any waking moment. Those who know Jon know that this makes a happy Jon. The man loves his tea. But it also makes sure that there is hot water available at any moment to heat the baby's bottle. This should make Sasha happy as well!
Besides the water dispenser, Sasha gave her daddy several presents! First, we have a "30-wipe Ass-pocalypse", and a "15-wipe Ass-pocalypse". She had been saving up and witholding all bowel movements for the past 8 days so that she could give her daddy SUPER OMGWTFBBQ FULL DIAPERS! Her dad was even able to keep her cute little dress clean with the first diaper change, but alas the dress was soiled the second time she exploded in her diaper.
Secondly, I figured out why she has been so crabby the last few days. A new tooth!!! A new tooth has erupted in the top. I think it is her top left tooth but I'm not exactly certain. Only one tooth up top and it isn't visible but it has clearly broken through her gums. I can not imagine what that must feel like but I'm sure it isn't pleasant. Now I'm only surprised she wasn't more crabby, although I can assure you she was inconsolably crabby the previous night. She wore her Daddy out, but he was relieved to know that there was actually a reason for it.
Third present for Dad: She sort of crawled. First time successfully scooting herself along the floor to something she wanted. It took her a while to do so she still has a bit to learn. She's not going to make us pull out her hair quite yet. But still, she did it so it's officially in the baby book. We then put her toy out of her reach a second time and she did it again so it was repeatable. Like I said, she still has a bit more to learn about crawling efficiently. It still pissed her off to be on the floor on her belly.
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