Above: While I was loading up the dishwasher, Sasha decided her legos needed to be washed. I took those things out like 3-4 times and she kept insisting on sneaking them back in.
From one extreme to the other!
The last two days, Sasha has been a walking stomach, consuming everything in her wake. This is in stark contrast to the entire previous week where I was lucky to get a tablespoon of food into her after a whole day of trying. She suddenly decided she was hungry I guess. Now she's been walking around the house and asking for food every few minutes or so. Sort of a constant snacking rather than sitting down for full meals. Today, for example, she was eating from within minutes of getting out of bed. She would run around and play, then she would come up to me with her mouth open saying "ahhhh" and insisting I put food in her mouth. Like a little baby birdy. She decided she loves brown rice. So I keep a bowl of it next to my husband's computer, and throughout the day we give her spoonfuls of it, and eventually she ate the whole thing! Today I made her a bigger bowl of rice with lentils and carrots and a tiny bit of ground beef in it. She ate that just fine, plus she ate some avocado, potato chips, three juice boxes full of juice, some crackers, a few bites of peanut butter toast, some homemade banana pudding. Anything that I tried to eat, she insisted on eating also. I am surprised at all the juice she drank. I refilled her juice box with calcium-enriched orange juice and she didn't seem to mind, although if I try to give her orange juice in a cup she balks at it. I guess it's all in the presentation some times.
She seems to be healthy and in good spirits. She is as affectionate as ever. I swear my virgo toddler is the most affectionate child I've ever known. From the moment I wake up, she is smothering my face in kisses and hugging me. She kisses all her stuffed animals and dolls. Today she was constantly making me laugh. She's a little comedienne and enjoyed making me laugh so she was really putting on a show.
Her language has really been exploding lately. She's learning several new words a day and her vocabulary is building up. Yesterday my husband and I started teaching her about facial features (cheeks, chin, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, etc) and within minutes we were able to quiz her ("Sasha, where is dad's eyebrows?") and she had it down correctly. She even tries to say the words. I also swear she tries to sing the alphabet song along with one of her refridgerator magnet toys.
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