After the birthday party on Saturday, Cassie spent the night at my brother's house. She and my brother were very close when she was younger, so it was nice of them to let her stay with them.
Sasha, my husband, and I stayed at a hotel. We had a free night coming to us so we used our free night for this stay.
Earlier in the week, Cassie had a cold with a runny nose. Between Cassie's cold and the all the rain, Sasha acquired the cold. It started very suddenly, in the middle of the night while trying to sleep in the hotel room.
Sasha woke up crying and at first we couldn't figure out why. My husband remarked that Sasha seemed to have difficulty breathing. I was very worried at first, but then when I realized it was a runny nose, we had Sasha blow her nose. She was able to go back to sleep, but she slept very fitfully. I felt bad for any hotel guests in the surrounding rooms, as Sasha woke up often and cried loudly during the night.
We checked out of the hotel in the morning and went to my brother's house. Sasha was still crabby with a runny nose, so my brother offered us some baby tylenol. Sasha took it and did seem a lot better afterwards.
We visited with my brother, then went out for lunch with a family friend, Jamie. After lunch, we went back home. I had been worried about the flooding at home, and whether we would be able to get back, but fortunately it seemed okay.
I was also worried about getting Sasha back home. She seemed better with the tylenol, but I knew that she was still sick so I just wanted to get her home. I had hoped to do more visiting, but I was nervous about Sasha's condition. I didn't want to be away from home if she got any worse.
So we returned back home. Uneventfully, thank goodness.
1 comment:
glad too hear you made it home sound and that Sasha is doing well. Good seeing all of you again!
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