12 November 2008


There are a few words and phrases that Sasha says that I just don't understand. One of those phrases was "tulaut". It was a word or phrase that Sasha says a lot, and I couldn't figure out what she meant when she said it.
My husband figured it out and translated it for me the other day.
It means "Too Loud".

And actually, that isn't surprising. I've been meaning to post something about little miss Sasha's noise sensitivities for a while.
This child is VERY sensitive to loud sounds. If something is too loud for her, she will cover her ears and complain. This happens many many times a day.
The fire engines from the fire department across the street are Too Loud. The refridgerator is too loud. The coffee maker is too loud. The bathroom fan is too loud. The noises that echo in the parking garage are too loud. Building construction is too loud. The neighbors above us dropping objects are too loud. The neighbors next door who crank their music to obscene volumes are too loud.
Everything is too loud.
Poor girl was just traumatized earlier this week when the building's fire alarm system kept going off at random intervals. She still complains about that.

The other oddity is her insistance on falling asleep with her ears covered. I can't remember when she started with it, but it's been this way for a long time now.
I know it is strange, but we don't complain because she does fall asleep relatively easy for a child her age. Either my husband or I have to lay down next to her and we have to put our hands over her ears for her. She will fall asleep. If we do not put our hands over her ears, she will grab our hands, put them over her ears, and strongly clutches our hands with her hands so that we can't pull away. We can remove our hand once she is finally asleep.
(Her sleep routine is actually a bit more complicated than that, but that's for another day. Deviations from her routine means no sleeping Sasha.)

This is how she's been for quite a long time now. I'm surprised I haven't gotten around to writing about that until now.
She's just got a weird thing about her ears and noises. Her little ear fixation.

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