11 February 2009


Sasha and I have a little tradition together. It's sort of silly and it's a guilty pleasure of ours.
It's Costco free samples.
I swear, you can make a meal out of it. We skipped breakfast this morning and went to Costco and gorged ourselves on free samples. And sometimes Sasha surprises me with what she'll actually eat.
First sample was chicken burritos with guacamole. Sasha tried one tiny bite of the burrito and rejected it. Too hot. The guacamole, however, she chowed down on it. I remarked to the free sample lady that I was surprised Sasha actually ate the guacamole, and sample lady replied that her kids all loved it too when they were little. Sasha asked for more, so the kind lady volunteered to give seconds, usually a no-no. She gave us a HUGE scoop of guacamole, and Sasha ate all of it except the final bite.
Also on sample today was some breakfast sausage (Sasha ate it then spit it out), mango juice (she wouldn't touch the stuff), carrot juice (she wouldn't drink it).
They had some bourbon chicken. Sasha LOVES chicken, and a chicken chunk on a toothpick is totally up her alley. She scarfed her sample down whole, and the sample ladies giggled at her. They made sure I took a sample for myself too. I didn't eat mine immediately, and didn't notice Sasha staring my sample down. When I finally popped the chicken bit into my mouth, Sasha deeply scowled at me and sighed. I think she was hoping I'd give her my chicken sample, poor thing.
Finally, they had free sample of her most favorite thing in the world: chocolate milk. Sasha is made of the stuff. It is a catastrophe in our household if we run out of the stuff.

Sasha always smiles and says "Hi!", and "Thank you" to the free sample servers. The sample servers normally swoon over her cuteness. I get to see what sort of foods Sasha will eat that I didn't know she liked. It's great fun all around.
And of course, I love shopping at Costco.

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