Well, I haven't really mentioned this here lately, but Sasha and her dad are going on a big trip! They're flying out to visit my husband's family in Montana (especially his mom, Sasha's Grandma), and to hopefully get a job out there so we can move. Cassie still has school so we can't go with until school is out.
Today, we spent a good part of the day getting ready. It was very hectic, with Sasha's 2 1/2 year pediatrician exam, her crabbiness after her shots, and trying to get everyone packed and ready.
After Sasha woke up from her afternoon nap, I took her to her preschool program so that she could play with some kids her age, and so that my husband could pack and nap if he needed. As always, she had a blast! There are so many toys to play with, and kids and activities. She made an arts-and-crafts project, did some pretend play with the kids (they pretended they were grocery shopping). The teacher always has a story time, and Sasha sat well for story time, and participated by answering questions. The story was about birds, and the teacher (Chris) would point to a bird and would ask the class what color it was, and Sasha was quick to answer.
Then it was Open Gym time, where the kids got to play in the school gymnasium, with bikes and balls. Sasha still can't quite figure out how to pedal a tricycle yet. She sat on one for a few seconds, gave it a half-hearted attempt, then ran off to play with her beloved toy car instead.
We left a little earlier than usual so that we could get Sasha home in time for an early bedtime. Her flight tomorrow is VERY early, so we'll have to wake up about 4am, much earlier than her usual 9-10am wake-up time.
Moving eh? Why do you want to move to Montana? Family or is it because you don't like Chi-town?
Mostly for family, as my husband's family is there. But also because our family is not happy in the city at all.
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