So I previously mentioned that Sasha is getting her own bedroom in our new apartment. Sasha's dad and grandma are busy getting the new place ready! The apartment has 2.5 bedrooms. Sasha gets the "
half-bedroom", which is actually perfect for her. It's small but that's fine. It's not closet sized or anything rude like that. Previous tenants used it for an office. It cannot officially or legally be considered a bedroom because it has no windows and no closet. When I look at the floor plan, I wonder if it wasn't once a part of the master bedroom.
Anyways, it's perfect for Sasha. It will be her very first bedroom. She will want to be close to mom and dad, and the room is right there next to the master bedroom.
My mother-in-law is a very talented former interior decorator. She will be decorating and painting Sasha's room as a very special project (Yay!). The theme she has chosen is pink and green. So far she has purchased a pink and green rug, and a pink and green bed comforter. She is going to repaint the walls.
Sasha's new bedroom has no closet, so an armoire is needed. Sasha's dad and grandma decided to build one from scratch. Here is Sasha posing with her new (unfinished) armoire:
Sasha poses with her new (unfinished) armoire.
So far I think it looks great. Here is a second picture, this time look on top of the armoire. Grandma has it partially decorated. You can see the pink and green theme in the choice of decorations. The bunny in the basket even has green and pink clothes.
I believe the armoire will be painted green and pink in accordance with the theme but I could be wrong.
There are also plans in the works for grandma and dad to build Sasha's bed, a matching toy box, and also a bed for Cassie.