Okay now this is finally starting to feel real. Through much networking, my husband and mother-in-law in Montana have found the perfect new apartment for us. They are there now, getting it ready for move in. Security deposit is paid. Moving truck and movers are scheduled. Everything is set for an official move.
The apartment
It is a two-and-a-half bedroom with a nice spacious one car garage. The half bedroom is a small bedroom attached to the master bedroom, and it has no windows, so it technically cannot be considered a real bedroom. The half bedroom also has no closet. This is perfect for Sasha's first new bedroom of her own.
So there you have it. Home sweet home. There is no yard, but that's okay because it's Montana and there's plenty of outdoors. The apartment is actually above a store/boutique and the landlords are super nice. The apartment is a block away from the grade school, 4 blocks away from the high school. It's in walking distance of everything I could possibly need to include the grocery store, bank, and post office. I'm really excited.
WoW! All the work you're doing! Did you guys buy the place? :)
Nope, we're renting for now. Moving 1200+ miles away is a bit drastic for us so we're taking it a step at a time.
How goes!
Hehe, 11weeks accidentally pregnant.. but its a bit shakey so things are nervous. Just finished with a flurry of home renovation, so things are settling back to norm again. Other than that, same 'ol.
New photos 'chatting with grandma' really show the midget is growing up :).
Wow congrats Amanda!!
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