Fortunately, she joined the volleyball team, and they've already been practicing all last week, so Cassie got to meet a few girls there. She didn't make the varsity or junior varsity team, but she did make their "C" team, and she's happy with that for this year. So far she's having fun with it, and I'm glad for that.
Speaking of Cassie, the neighbors have a kid that's a month older than her. When he first met her a month ago, it appears he was smitten with her. He was her shadow, following her around everywhere. He broke up with his girlfriend (but lied and told Cassie that his girlfriend broke up with him) and asked Cassie out. Cassie wisely said no, and eventually found his constant attention smothering. She's been avoiding him, and he went back to his old girlfriend again. (This was the same kid that accidentally shot me with a bb gun the other day, lol).
And here's an amusing pic. Neighbor boy pulled up a lawn chair and mean camped next to our fence in the hopes of seeing Cassie while she was avoiding him. This was our view outside our dining room for a week.
Thank goodness school has started again :)
Shooting the mother is the highest form of flattery...
Oh is that what that was? Haha! Nothing screams "look at me!" like shooting someone's mother.
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