For example, today she stirred for a feeding. She was laying next to me, feeding in the dark bedroom, and normally at that time she would just nurse back to sleep. However the blue glow of the alarm clock caught her eye. I saw her eyes widen at the alarm clock and she broke into the BIGGEST grin and started to crawl. She just LOVES that alarm clock and we normally have it facing the wall so it doesn't distract her in her sleep. Well today it did distract her from her sleep and she went from mostly asleep to wide awake in a matter of seconds. I was disappointed that she woke up so early but that huge smile on her face made it impossible for me to stay disappointed for long.
Which reminds me of another topic:
Toys that aren't really toys.
There are many objects that Sasha LOVES to play with that really aren't toys at all. For example those little door stopper thingies that keep doors from slamming into walls. She likes kitchen utensils. If she fusses in her high chair I merely have to hand her a potato masher, a meat tenderizer, and a ladle and she is a happy baby again. She likes to crawl around the house with one of my large plastic cooking spoons (looks like a wooden spoon except plastic). Then there's her squeegie. Yeah, HER squeegie. I do use it to wipe the condensation off the mirrors in the bathroom but for the most part it is her squeegie. She picked it out at Ikea and held it the whole time we were at the store. Real toys didn't interest her but she held firmly to that squeegie.
We did buy her a cool new toy this week:
It's a Fisher Price Intelli-table, which I guess was a collaboration with Fisher Price and Microsoft. Regardless, it is a really neat table toy. I looked at all the table toys at our local Babies-R-Us and nothing struck me as nearly as interesting as this. Besides, babies LOVE led lights...sort of like that glowing alarm clock that woke Sasha this morning. This table has lots of them that dance and make all sorts of neat patterns. She does seem to love the table. I'm glad to finally find something of interest to tempt her into standing. She is now a pro at pulling herself up to a stand.
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