01 August 2007


This weekend, Sasha hit another milestone with her big sister Cassie. Cassie is just racking up the cool points lately. Cassie was taking Sasha walking...everyone who has or had a baby knows what I mean, where you hold the baby's hands and let them walk around. Well Cassie noticed that Sasha was pretty well balanced and Sasha slowly let go of Cassie's hands. Cassie started squealing and yelling "MOM! MOM! LOOK! SASHA'S STANDING BY HERSELF". And she was! Sasha stood there by herself in the middle of the living room for a good 5 seconds. Sasha only plopped herself down because she was looking around trying to figure out what Cassie was yelling about.

She's done it a few more times but not nearly as long. She is very mobile and impressively agile, crawling around all over, cruising around from furniture item to furniture item, pulling herself up to stand and looking like she wants to crawl on stuff. I was laying on the living room floor the other day, right next to the coffee table. She held onto me to pull herself to a stand, climbed up on top of me, then used me to stand on to climb on top of the coffee table. She got up there too and proudly sat on it while looking at the books that were on it. So I can imagine climbing is not very far off now, as well as more standing.
I don't know how much longer after standing it takes for babies to start walking but we shall see. Maybe I'll go look in Cassie's baby book and see how long it took between when she was standing and walking and maybe that will give me a good idea.

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