There have been plenty of times where I sing songs that have hand motions to Sasha, like Itsy Bitsy Spider, Herman the Worm, or Patty Cake. Sasha likes to try to gesture along. But today, she did something very cute: she sang!
We were at the dinner table, eating jambalaya. My husband was taking a nap so it was just the girls and I. At some point, she decided to stop eating. Eventually, she became bored of watching me eat my dinner and fussed. She didn't fuss long, maybe 30 seconds, when she resigned herself to try to entertain herself. She did a few hand motions with her hands that I did not recognize as sign language, but the movements were peculiar and deliberate. She babbled to herself a few times, and then it happened. She started singing. She has a beautiful little voice.
It wasn't a song that I recognize. She made some hand motions to go along with it, sort of similar to the "roll it" part of patty cake. The words to the song were all "dadadada dadada". But it was a cute sweet baby voice that varied in frequency. It took me a bit to realize what she was doing but I was pretty surprised when I figured it out.
I just wish I knew what song it was, if it was a song we've sang to her. My husband and I have a habit of making up our own songs and singing to her. Some of my husband's songs are not songs that I've ever heard, and vice versa. Half of my made up songs, I doubt I'd even remember them. I just sort of make them up on the spot, pertinent to that situation only, and they're non-sensical. For example, if Sasha is fussing while I'm busy cooking, I might start 'singing' the recipe or actions I am doing in an effort to calm her down.
Besides the singing, we have another molar coming in! Her first molar is through now and she's really chewing foods well. Now this second molar is at a stage where it looks pretty painful. Her gum is huge and swollen and I can feel the tooth beneath but it hasn't come through. So she has 9 teeth and a 10th on the way. She has intermittent bouts of fussiness, which I think is related to the new tooth. I'm sure it has to hurt. Poor girl.
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