She's all recovered from her cold, thankfully. This week in general has been a rough one so thank goodness it's my equivalent of a Friday. There were building inspectors that came through our apartment, maintenance work in our apartment, plus smoke and fire alarm testing which made the fire alarms in the building keep going off during the day. That made it tough to sleep this week. Oh the joy of being a night shift worker. Then add Sasha's new teeth and her cold to the blend and it made for a challenging week. Especially for my sleep-deprived husband. He has the patience of a saint I swear. I don't know what we'd do without him. He adores his little girl, and she keeps him going.
Remember that post a week back or so where I said Sasha was finally eating? Well scratch that. She's not eating anymore. I am so terribly worried about her. She ate nothing the past few days. We've tried but she just wouldn't eat. Nothing but nursing and I don't think a nearly 14 month old can survive on nursing alone.
I might be switching her back to a day shift. I may also start working on getting her into her own bed. Wish me luck with that. It is going to be a very trying week for us this next week if we do.
OMG! Get Jon out into the sun!!!!111!
I now he's good in textual indoors environements, but omg, white is white!!!
err, KNOW.. wtf :/
Amanda!!! Hugs! How are you doing?
Hehe, I suppose night shift all summer long will do that to a guy. I'm trying to get Jon and baby switched to day shift again so we'll see how that goes. Although I don't think he's all THAT white...maybe it's the flash or the pic? He's not aussie tan, but he's not albino quite yet.
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