23 May 2008
Fussy girl
Grandma offered to close her restauraunt to help my husband with the fussy toddler, but fortunately he was able to talk her out of it. It was sweet that she offered. Sasha was crying and yelling all day, and it did wear on my husband. Once Grandma came home, she relieved my husband and patiently cared for Sasha. My husband and mother-in-law are so very patient with Sasha.
Even when Sasha was sick, she was in good spirits until today. Fortunately, everyone out there has seen how good tempered Sasha normally is and understand that she isn't normally like this without reason.
22 May 2008
All Better
She was being very cute. Apparently on a car ride back from town, she wanted out of her car seat, so she kept asking my husband "up? up?". He told her that she could get up as soon as they were back home. When they were driving up the driveway, my husband pointed out the three horses. He asked her "What do horses say?". She looked him dead in the eye and calmly told him, "up". Either horses say "up", or she was making a point, but either way she wasn't messing around.
When I called, Sasha was sitting in her grandma's lap, playing with a telephone. She did come on the line to chat with me on the telephone for a bit.
Years of carrying a growing baby around has taken it's toll on my husband's back, so fortunately he saw a chiropractor today. I am glad for that as he says he did get some relief.
21 May 2008
Sick on vacation
From what I am told, she was fine all day yesterday. My husband, Sasha, and his family went out to the city to a restauraunt and she ate some macaroni and cheese. But afterwards, she started throwing up. She spent most of the night sick and vomiting.
By the morning, they decided to be cautious and take her to the hospital to be checked out. She did have a fever but it did not seem to be anything very serious.
She has been very cuddly and sleepy. So long as my husband keeps holding and snuggling with her, she has been okay. My husband says she grabs his hand and puts it to her face, then hugs his hand to keep it there securely. She also pets him behind his neck to reassure him. She also cuddles with her grandma when she can.
My husband thinks that she will be back to normal by tomorrow morning, so perhaps it's a 24 hour stomach bug. She seems to be showing signs of getting better. They have been giving her pedialyte, and she has actually been drinking good quantities of it. He gave her some carmel popcorn and she nibbled on a piece and kept it down. Tomorrow he will see if she can tolerate some mild foods.
I am worried for her, but like I said, she is in good hands and I know she is being taken care of. I wish I could be there for her.
19 May 2008
Fun at Grandma's
One of the myriad of reasons my husband and Sasha had to go out west to see his family was the high school graduation of my husband's cousin, Sarah. Sarah lives with my husband's mother and is like a daughter to my mother in-law. The high school graduation was yesterday. My mother in law does catering so she catered about 50-some people afterwards for the graduation party.
In all that activity, Sasha had a great time. Things out in the rural lands are much different than the big city. For starters, people actually say hi to her. And when she does cute things for strangers, the strangers pay attention to her. So she is just eating up all the attention she is getting from so many people. Unlike the cold city where everyone is so self absorbed that they don't pay any mind to cute little babies who are trying to smile, wave, and be cute to get attention.
Sasha and her grandma's dog, Jack, are getting along great. She's already saying his name very clearly.
She's been eating well and sleeping well. Grandma stopped at a Costco before Sasha arrived and purchased Sasha's required chocolate milk boxes, since she is so addicted to those. That helped the transition. So long as Sasha has a parent and her chocolate milk boxes, she's fine.
Sasha's doing great. It's mama that's worried.
I miss Sasha terribly. The house feels so empty without her.
Sometimes, the silence gets to me, and I forget that Sasha is gone. I think to myself, "It's too quiet! I bet Sasha's into some trouble," and I turn around to look for her, expecting her to be coloring on the walls or into my knitting. But then I remember she's not here. Other times, I think to myself, "I should go wake Sasha up from her nap", again forgetting that no, Sasha is not just in the other room napping, but she is not home. My mind is having troubles grasping the concept.
I can put sharp pointy objects down on tables, and a toddler won't come right behind me to play with it. But I forget that I can do this now. If I have some scissors in my hand, I still think to myself that I had better set them down somewhere high up so that little hands can't reach them. I suppose it's alright to keep that habit. She won't be gone forever.
I've been way to oversensitive about everything. I tried to watch the television to keep my mind off of things. Coincidentally, the worst news stories pop up and make me cry. I saw a horrible news story about the earthquake in China. A couple had a 22 month old baby boy that the mother had just left at home with her inlaws to babysit while she went to work, when the earthquake struck. The couple had toiled for two days to try to get excavation equipment to their high-rise apartment building for a rescue attempt. They had lived on the fourth floor so their apartment was buried. They were hoping to find their child and parents alive, but alas after 8 hours of digging, they found their bodies. I was a mess the rest of the day crying over that. I just kept thinking about Sasha and how that would absolutely devastate me if anything like that happened. Ugh, it's horrible.
But no matter what channel I changed to, there was some horrible story on that made me think about or worry about my daughter. So I've had to limit my television exposure to the weather channel. Apparently it was in the 90s where Sasha is, but it was only in the 40s and 50s here :)
17 May 2008
My husband said she did amazingly well on her plane trips. They had a three hour layover in Minneapolis and spent most of that going back and forth on those moving sidewalk thingies. Sasha is now a pro at hopping on and off those things. They'd hop on a moving sidewalk going one way, then after they got off, they'd turn around and go the other way.
Sasha should have a great time on her trip. She'll have so much attention! There are so many people that love her out there, and there are lots of things to see and do. Horses and doggies and lots of gorgeous open land to run around in and explore. Plus she'll get to go work at my mil's restauraunt, where she'll make an excellent waitress.
In addition to Sasha and my husband's trip, Cassie had a little adventure planned for today also. There was an anime convention that she and her friends went to. I was very nervous about letting her to to that without us. She and her friends were chaperoned by one of her friend's fathers but I guess I'm just an anxious mother sometimes. I have a hard time letting her go and do things with her friends without me. I gave Cassie way to many instructions. "Don't respond to men who might hit on you, Be sure to thank your friend's father for taking you to the convention, Stay with your friends at all time and never go separate ways".
Anyways she had a blast! She wore a costume, as did pretty much everyone else that went. She made lots of new friends, was very social. She got lots of autographs. There was a rave with music so loud she couldn't hear herself, and strobe lights that made it all look like "stop motion photography" to her, so she got into that and danced her little head off. All in all, she behaved herself and had a lot of fun.
I'm just glad my family all got to their destinations safely today.
Eating again
Thank goodness she's eating again. The past few days, she's been a little eating machine, and I dare say I think she might be plumping up a little! It could be my imagination, but she looks taller and chubbier to me, and her feet look bigger.
Yesterday, she ate four whole meals. And not little ones either. She had a smorgasbord breakfast (noodles, cereal, grapes, bread), she ate a second breakfast with my husband. She ate a pancake breakfast at IHOP for lunch, and she ate some noodles (high protein noodles drizzled with flax seed oil and parmesan cheese) and crackers for dinner.
I know it's not my imagination that the two pairs of size 5 shoes we bought her last month are already outgrown. She had finally outgrown her size 4 shoes last month. So wow, she went through size 5 in less than a month. Time to go shoe shopping again. It looks like a growth spurt!
16 May 2008
Getting ready to go
I was crying like a little baby tonight as I nursed Sasha to sleep for what is probably the last time. She was down to only one bedtime nursing to go to sleep. Two weeks away from me will probably wean her for good, and I feel very bittersweet about that. I won't be having any more children, so I do believe that I have experienced my last nursing of my lifetime. I tried to cherish the moment but I was just so overcome by emotion.
My husband and I ran around like headless chickens trying to pack and do some last minute chores. The hard drive on my computer died so we had to replace that and reload my system. He also had some things he needed to do for his mom before he left.
I can not begin to describe to you the sound it makes when you squeeze it. Sort of an unearthly moan and a honk at the same time. Like the noise you would make if someone gave you a squishy hug so hard it knocks the breat out of you. I'm at a loss for words, but it is a strange sound.
Anyways Sasha loves the thing. She has this cute thing she likes to do with it. We toss it on the ground and she comes running at it. She leaps into the air and belly flops onto it so that it squishes and makes that moaning honking sound. It's really funny.
I attempted a video of it but it's the best I've got. She can do better but she was distracted by the camera phone in my hand. She knew I was up to something. The audio doesn't really capture the sound of that armadillo toy very well either.
Road Trip
I enjoyed every moment of it that I could, and I even got some well needed deep cleaning done on the house. We stayed in the house the whole time. Sasha learned some new tricks. She has been trying to sing the alphabet. She sings "ABCD ABCD ABCD ABCD" over and over again, but never continues on past the letter D. Big sister taught her how to say "I love you". She also learned how to finally pronounce Cassie's name. She wasn't able to say the hard C sound, or the S sound, so her pronunciation of Cassie sounded like "ta-yi". Then she figured out the S sound last week, so Cassie was "Tassie". Now she is starting to figure out the K/hard-C sound. Sometimes Cassie is "Tassie" and sometimes she is "Cassie".
We've had some luck with eating. I've figured out that if I don't give Sasha milk or juice immediately upon her waking up, she'll eat better during the day. Also it helps a LOT to cheer every bite she takes.
This weekend, my husband and the baby will be flying back out to his mother's for a two week visit. This will be the first time I'll have been away from the baby since she was born, other than going to work. I am going to miss her terribly. Even though I know she will be in great hands, I am still very worried for both my husband and for Sasha.
08 May 2008
Driving Miss Sasha
07 May 2008
The Chocolate Milk Diet
We are having such a difficult time feeding her. She is refusing everything. We try to offer her foods and she hits our hand and turns her head away. We are very worried.
I figure her 8oz boxes of chocolate milk are 200 calories each and I lose count of how many she drinks a day. About 4? Then her 6.5oz juice boxes are 100 calories each and she drinks several of those a day. So she's getting enough calories. I do give her a multivitamin daily, and also a gummy omega-3 fatty acid supplement.
In her defense, she is still teething. I am hoping that is the source of the problem. If her teeth come in and she still has eating troubles, I am going to be very scared for her. I think we are going to need professional help, and our pediatrician has been useless.
We're getting desperate. Any ideas appreciated. So far, if it doesn't come in a juice box, she won't take it.
Diaper Daddy
Today, my husband was laying on the living room floor doing some sit ups and lifting some hand weights. He didn't realize that he was sitting on Sasha's diaper changing pad. But Sasha noticed! She grabbed the baby wipes and a diaper. She started wiping his pants and tried to diaper him, lol! She even told him "up!" and "down!" the way we tell her to put her legs up and down.
She did like a perfect imitation of us during diaper time on him, and it was hilarious.
03 May 2008
Eating woes again
02 May 2008
Down Down Down
Sasha has been stir crazy lately. Our car is on it's last leg so we haven't been able to get out of the house very much. So Sasha has been bored of being indoors, cooped up inside the apartment.
We went out to eat today, to get out of the house.
Usually Sasha does great in restauraunts. Lately, she just doesn't want to stay in high chairs. She didn't last long in the high chair today. It didn't take long before she was trying to climb out of it, chanting "down down down up up". 'Up' means 'pick me up', and 'down' means she wants down on the ground. Well we couldn't have her running amok in the restauraunt so we had to hold her. She was not happy with this and fussed almost the whole time. My husband and I had to take turns passing her off to each other while the other tried to eat.
The restauraunt we went to was at a mall, so after we hurried our meal and left, we went strolling around the mall. Sasha was all about the escalators and stairs. My husband let her walk down the stairs. She immediately turned around and went up the escalator with him, then they had to go down the stairs again.
She did NOT want to be carried around. She wanted to walk by herself. If I carried her, she'd start squirming and chanting "down down down".
Her favorite store is the Yankee Candle Company. She LOVES running around the store, sniffing all the scented candles. We bought her a mcintosh apple scented candle. She happily purchased it herself with daddy's credit card.
Then she proudly carried the shopping bag with around the mall with her. She was quite a sight walking around the mall by herself with shopping bag in hand.
Or perhaps I should say my new fun activity with Sasha is showing her the smells of various things. I sort of think it's educational.
When I hand her something and tell her to smell it, she will. I had noticed that whenever she saw a flower, or if I mentioned the word flower, she would sniff and inhale deeply. So that gave me the idea to start teaching her about smells.
At the mall a week or two ago, we passed by the Yankee Candle Company store. She was a bit fussy but the moment I handed her a candle and told her to smell it, she smelled it and calmed down. She was very entertained as I handed her candles to smell. She loves running around sniffing the various scents. I made sure to tell her the name of each scent as she sniffed.
I bet she'd love a trip to Bath and Body Works.
We have several candles at home. She sometimes cries and fusses and points at them. She won't calm down until we hand her a candle and let her sniff it. Also, there have been several times where she has been upset for an unknown reason, and handing her a candle to sniff has calmed her down or distracted her from her upset.
Today she was a bit anxious and stir crazy from being indoors the last few days. So I took her in the kitchen and we went through our spice cabinet. She loved it. Her favorite spice seems to be thyme and she also liked nutmeg and cumin. I told her the name of each spice as she sniffed them, and she repeated each spice name back to me. She was sad when we were done.
01 May 2008
Little Model
Late update but I've been slacking with posting lately. I finally got some buttons on a sweater that I made for Sasha. Watermelon buttons! Now she is finally able to wear the sweater. When the weather was nicer, we used it as a jacket and it fit perfectly. Although if she grows any, she will outgrow it. Which is fine. I can pass it on to her younger cousin when she outgrows it.
I love these pictures as I like the way her eyes photographed in natural light. It was one of the first mild weather days of the year, so Sasha loves any excuse to get out on the balcony.
While I'm talking about knitting, here's a dress I made for Sasha:
I haven't had any pictures taken of her wearing it yet, but I'll post it when I get some.
I also have another sweater finished:
Sasha likes wearing the pink one as a jacket and tries to put it on all by herself.
Here come the teeth again
Sasha had four new teeth canine teeth coming in. The top two came through.
Her bottom right one looks like it's going to come through any day now and the gums appear painfully swollen. I always feel bad for her when I see it. She's intermittently crabby but for the most part she's doing okay.
A day or two ago, I was playing with Sasha. It was a game we play often, and Sasha usually finds it fun and hilarious. I loudly announce, "I am going to throw you in the garbage!". She knows what that means and starts cracking up laughing in anticipation. I hold her above my bed and bounce her in the air while counting. When I reach ten, I carefully throw her onto the bed so she bounces one time, and I yell "I'm throwing you in the garbage!". It sounds rough but we usually have a lot of fun and Sasha usually cracks up laughing and begging for more.
Well I must have caught her off guard the day before yesterday. I did the "throw you in the garbage" game, and when she landed, instead of laughing, she started crying really hard. As she was crying, I saw a little blood on her tongue and realized she bit her tongue.
After comforting her for a few minutes, I was able to look at her owie. It appears that she just isn't used to having those new upper canine teeth, as she bit herself with one of her new teeth.
Just my luck, that was the first time my husband saw me play the game with Sasha, and when she bit herself, he glared at me like he was quite horrified. I swear it's harmless fun when she doesn't accidentally bite herself.