One of the myriad of reasons my husband and Sasha had to go out west to see his family was the high school graduation of my husband's cousin, Sarah. Sarah lives with my husband's mother and is like a daughter to my mother in-law. The high school graduation was yesterday. My mother in law does catering so she catered about 50-some people afterwards for the graduation party.
In all that activity, Sasha had a great time. Things out in the rural lands are much different than the big city. For starters, people actually say hi to her. And when she does cute things for strangers, the strangers pay attention to her. So she is just eating up all the attention she is getting from so many people. Unlike the cold city where everyone is so self absorbed that they don't pay any mind to cute little babies who are trying to smile, wave, and be cute to get attention.
Sasha and her grandma's dog, Jack, are getting along great. She's already saying his name very clearly.
She's been eating well and sleeping well. Grandma stopped at a Costco before Sasha arrived and purchased Sasha's required chocolate milk boxes, since she is so addicted to those. That helped the transition. So long as Sasha has a parent and her chocolate milk boxes, she's fine.
Sasha's doing great. It's mama that's worried.
I miss Sasha terribly. The house feels so empty without her.
Sometimes, the silence gets to me, and I forget that Sasha is gone. I think to myself, "It's too quiet! I bet Sasha's into some trouble," and I turn around to look for her, expecting her to be coloring on the walls or into my knitting. But then I remember she's not here. Other times, I think to myself, "I should go wake Sasha up from her nap", again forgetting that no, Sasha is not just in the other room napping, but she is not home. My mind is having troubles grasping the concept.
I can put sharp pointy objects down on tables, and a toddler won't come right behind me to play with it. But I forget that I can do this now. If I have some scissors in my hand, I still think to myself that I had better set them down somewhere high up so that little hands can't reach them. I suppose it's alright to keep that habit. She won't be gone forever.
I've been way to oversensitive about everything. I tried to watch the television to keep my mind off of things. Coincidentally, the worst news stories pop up and make me cry. I saw a horrible news story about the earthquake in China. A couple had a 22 month old baby boy that the mother had just left at home with her inlaws to babysit while she went to work, when the earthquake struck. The couple had toiled for two days to try to get excavation equipment to their high-rise apartment building for a rescue attempt. They had lived on the fourth floor so their apartment was buried. They were hoping to find their child and parents alive, but alas after 8 hours of digging, they found their bodies. I was a mess the rest of the day crying over that. I just kept thinking about Sasha and how that would absolutely devastate me if anything like that happened. Ugh, it's horrible.
But no matter what channel I changed to, there was some horrible story on that made me think about or worry about my daughter. So I've had to limit my television exposure to the weather channel. Apparently it was in the 90s where Sasha is, but it was only in the 40s and 50s here :)
1 comment:
careful sasha! don't break anything! :)
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