Sasha had four new teeth canine teeth coming in. The top two came through.
Her bottom right one looks like it's going to come through any day now and the gums appear painfully swollen. I always feel bad for her when I see it. She's intermittently crabby but for the most part she's doing okay.
A day or two ago, I was playing with Sasha. It was a game we play often, and Sasha usually finds it fun and hilarious. I loudly announce, "I am going to throw you in the garbage!". She knows what that means and starts cracking up laughing in anticipation. I hold her above my bed and bounce her in the air while counting. When I reach ten, I carefully throw her onto the bed so she bounces one time, and I yell "I'm throwing you in the garbage!". It sounds rough but we usually have a lot of fun and Sasha usually cracks up laughing and begging for more.
Well I must have caught her off guard the day before yesterday. I did the "throw you in the garbage" game, and when she landed, instead of laughing, she started crying really hard. As she was crying, I saw a little blood on her tongue and realized she bit her tongue.
After comforting her for a few minutes, I was able to look at her owie. It appears that she just isn't used to having those new upper canine teeth, as she bit herself with one of her new teeth.
Just my luck, that was the first time my husband saw me play the game with Sasha, and when she bit herself, he glared at me like he was quite horrified. I swear it's harmless fun when she doesn't accidentally bite herself.
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