We took Sasha for her 2 year professional portraits. A month early but we didn't do 18 month pics.
We took her to Kiddie Kandids, and this time they did a really good job! She really did so well this time. The last time we went to this Kiddie Kandids was a nightmare, but the awful photographer from last time is gone (good riddance) and our favorite photographer was in today.
Sasha did really well too. Here are our pics:

Just getting warmed up to the photographer. Still a little shy. The photographer told Sasha to put her hands on her knees.

By the end of the session, Sasha was playful and was actually teasing the photographer a little. On the last pic, the photographer told Sasha to put both her hands at a specific spot on the arm of the chair. Sasha understood and obeyed, but then she kept moving her hands around just to taunt the photographer a little. Then she'd put her hands right back. She totally knew what she was doing and was just being silly, and you can see it in her smile.
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