Last night, Sasha and her dad returned home from their Montana trip. They had a layover flight in Denver. Apparently she slept their first leg of their airplane trip. She made a little friend on the second flight with a little girl that was about the same age.
I was scheduled to work during the night, so my husband arranged for a taxi to take them home from the airport. But fortunately the guys at work let me come back home to see my family, and I am very grateful.
I waited in front of the house for their taxi to arrive. When it did, my husband did not see me because he was busy paying the fare, however Sasha noticed me. The moment she saw me, she started chanting "MAMA! MAMA! MAMA!" and got louder and louder. She was squirming in her car seat, trying to get out. My husband let her out of her seat and she nearly jumped out of his arms into mine. She gave me the biggest hug ever. It was such a big hug and she didn't stop for several minutes. She stayed in my arms and let me carry her upstairs.
As we walked inside, Sasha kept looking around at everything. I could tell she remembered everything but she was still examining everything like it was all new again. She had to run around the house and rediscover everything. Re-examine. For some reason, she took great fascination in her little potty chair. She sat on it several times, grunted, wiped herself with toilet paper, and carried her toilet around the house everywhere.
I had purchased her a new bed. Well, the bed itself wouldn't fit in the car, but I got the mattress and all the bedding, so I set the mattress up on the floor for her, and sometime later I can figure out how to get the bed frame home. She investigated that and gave it her approval.
At Grandma's house, Sasha had a well established routine for the past few months. Now her routine was interrupted with new people and new surroundings. Bedtime was difficult for her. She cried herself to sleep while laying on her dad's chest, and then transitioned into her new bed. She slept soundly the whole night. She usually does a lot of night waking but strangely she didn't wake up for her usual drink of water/milk/juice at all.
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