13 November 2008


I previously mentioned how I was turning this whole blog into a printed book. I've kept this blog updated for so long that I thought it would be neat to have a printed copy of it. But Blogger will only display my posts in reverse chronological order, which is a horrible way to read or print a book.
Enter Blurb blogbooks. They have an app that you download, and their app "slurps" your whole blog up and turns it into a book. It's very easy to use and customizable. I used this app, played with this blog for a few weeks. And finally, when I had a product that I was happy with, I purchased one soft cover book copy.

It arrived today! And I have to say I am SO happy with the final product.
I have a picture of it above, taken with a crappy cellphone pic so it's all crooked, blurry, and the pic itself has lighting issues because the cover is glossy. So don't let the crappy pic confuse you. It's amazing. I am a very satisfied customer. The book is gorgeous. The pictures turned out great. The fonts, the paper. It is truly a professional looking book.
This would be useful for more than just blogs. Perhaps a photo book or a printed scrapbook. Or for someone who would want to write and sell their own book. The sky is the limit.
I just wanted to say that I am personally satisfied with the service they provide and I recommend it to others. I get no paid referrals. I'm just an ordinary working mom with a baby blog.


Jacque said...

What a wonderful keepsake!

Dawn said...

Awesome!! I think I will have to make a book someday, when I have enough enteries! I will keep this in mind!