This past week or two, Sasha's made some great leaps in her ability to communicate. It also seems like we're seeing a lot more of her little personality come through, although it could seem that way because of her improved communication.
Her words are clearer. Her sentences are a little longer and more complicated. And she sometimes talks about random things unrelated to the situation before her.
I was a little worried that her speaking skills were a little behind. Perhaps it's because her older sister Cassie was such a precocious early talker. It's hard not to compare children. It also doesn't help sometimes that I hear about some really good talkers on an online message board about children Sasha's age that I frequently read. But I shouldn't worry. She's average as far as the milestone charts go, and I think I am probably comparing her to some really precocious kids.
We know she understands a lot of what we say. She's got a good comprehension vocabulary.
Like I said, Sasha's really talking more lately, especially when it comes to expressing what she wants or doesn't want. That child is quite opinionated!
She's also been tempermental. She seems more prone to tantrums and more likely to throw herself to the floor in little fits for trivial things.
She seems to be testing us. She's getting into everything that she's not supposed to, then gets mad when we shoo her away or take contraband items away from her. As parents, we now sound like broken records: Sasha! No Sasha. Don't touch that. Get down from there. Now. Sasha get down. Sasha no!
I guess this is the terrible twos.
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