Laundry baskets and boxes make the best toys for two-year-olds. Lately, Sasha loves climbing into and out of them. She turns them upside down and hides under them, or climbs inside and lays down in them.
My husband makes little makeshift forts for Sasha out of boxes, pillows, chairs, and blankets. Sometimes they are simple little constructs, but sometimes they're quite elaborate. Sasha has a blast with them. She loves to hide inside them for extended periods of time, and pretends they are her house. "Sasha's house!". He puts a pillow and blanket inside for her to get herself all cozy too.
Today Sasha was sitting at our computer desk, nicely drawing on a piece of paper. She kept saying "directions! directions" as she scribbled away. I found it amusing. I wonder what her directions were for :P
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