22 February 2009


This post is belated, but I wanted to say that Sasha can finally sing her ABC's from beginning to end with no errors as of about a week ago.
The problem with the ABC song is that it is sung to the same tune as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, so for the longest time her attempts at singing the ABC song went like this: "ABCDEFG, How I wonder what you are". Lately I've made a more conscious effort to never sing the two songs close together to avoid confusion.

As a ni-nite routine at 10pm, Sasha climbs into bed and has a cup of chocolate milk. She hugs me and her dad and usually protests going to sleep. Finally my husband turns off the light and I lay down with her. She cries in protest a little and I comfort her. I ask her what song she would like me to sing and I give her a few choices. The usual selection is among the following: 5 Little Monkeys, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Rain Rain Go Away, ABC's, or Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She calms down and tells me what song she wants and I sing it to her. I sing her a few of her choices and then it is quiet time. I stay very quiet and still, and she tries a few times to get my attention. I fake a few yawns (they're contagious you know) and she yawns back. She wiggles around for about 2-3 minutes, trying to find a comfortable position. Next thing I know in a matter of seconds, she is zonked out cold and I can get ready for work.

We've been having fun working with her letters and today she is able to identify a few of her favorite letters on a computer keyboard. Her favorite letters today were P, W, and M. So if I ask her to press P, she'll hunt and search the keyboard until she finds it and presses it. I can actually see her scanning the letters searching for the requested letter and that makes me really happy!
I had Sasha sitting on my lap and we pulled up a fun website that helps with teaching letters. http://www.fisher-price.com/us/fun/games/abczoo/default.asp and it either displays the letters to the tune of the abc song, or you can press a letter and it'll display that letter. Between the game, and mommy & daddy playing with her, she's doing well.

I know I probably shouldn't, but sometimes I catch myself comparing Sasha to my older daughter Cassie. They're very very different personalities, but by this age, Cassie was already able to identify every letter of the alphabet, and right before Cassie turned three I had her starting to actually write letters and her name (I have it on video somewhere, she wasn't even 3 yet and she was writing her name correctly). I was a young mother. I didn't know what stuff to teach toddlers so I just taught Cassie everything, and she soaked it up like a sponge. I worked much more with Cassie on teaching stuff than I do with Sasha, and I play more with Sasha than I did with Cassie. So I guess I'm trying to catch up on teaching Sasha some stuff. I probably won't drill Sasha as hard as I did with Cassie (I was downright drill-sergeant like at times with Cassie), but I should probably do a little better with teaching Sasha stuff.


SaRaH said...

I'm impressed with both of your girls! Such smarties!

Lolita Breckenridge said...

Sasha is so ahead of Brody in the ABC department, and Brody is ahead of everyone at his school, so she's pretty learned already! And I love the ABC, how I wonder song. That's just plain adorable.

Dawn said...

I think Sasha sounds very smart! Playing is much more fun than teaching...and probably more memorable. I think you are a great mom!
That's awesome that Cassie could write her name so early. I'll be happy if Z can make a circle by the time he turns three. Seriously! :D

Dawn said...

Oh good....now I am getting your blog in my "dashboard" ! :)