Pictured above, Sasha litters the ground with her bears. It's not as bad as it looks.
Wednesday, March 21st, 2007, 3:39 am
So today was the big 6-month check-up with Sasha's pediatrician. First let me say I love both of her pediatricians. She has two, really. Well the office we go to has two and sometimes she sees one, sometimes the other. Both are great.
Today we saw Dr R, a female doctor. There is something special about her. She is the only person in that office that can walk into the exam room that Sasha doesn't start screaming at immediately on sight. Sasha has a pretty good case of stranger anxiety that came on during her 5 month check-up. Personally I think she remembers that these are the people that give her those nasty shots in the leg.
So the nurse walked us into an exam room and Sasha shot her a few glares along the way. It's always the same nurse every visit and Sasha knows that nurse means to give her shots. The nurse had us strip Sasha down for her height and weight checks and left the room for us to do so. We finished quickly and had a few minutes to spare. Sasha filled that time by delightedly playing with the window blinds. The moment the nurse walked into the door to start the measurements, Sasha started her yelling.
She weighs 15lbs8oz, and is 27 inches long. She is at 50 percentile for weight and 90 percentile for height. DH and I were highly amused by this. She's our little string bean just like her Daddy. I think we both were hoping she inherited his height. Somehow these measurements seemed to affirm to us that yes, she would be tall like her daddy, not short like her mother.
The nurse left the room and we tried to comfort Sasha. She wouldn't stop crying but stared longingly at the blinds. I let her start playing with the window blinds again and she cheered right back up. When the doctor entered the room, Sasha couldn't be bothered to stop playing with the blinds. She just stared suspiciously at Dr R and returned to her playing. As I said earlier, it is amazing that she doesn't cry at Dr R...she sure screams at the other doctor in the office. But this time, I could actually hold a conversation with the ped, which was nice. Sasha only started her crying after Dr R started her intrusive examinations like looking in her ear, poking on her belly, checking her hip joints and arms and spine. All good.
Dr R said we can start solids. She said to start with cereals for a week, then go on to vegetables and cereal for the second week. On the third week she said to start fruits and cereals. So like, on the second week she means that two meals a day, one meal a veggie and one meal a cereal. On the third week try two or three meals a day of cereals and fruits. I mentioned that I was making my own baby food and she was okay with that.
Then it was time for the shot...only one this time! Sasha cried the moment the nurse came in the room to give it to her. My heart didn't sink quite as bad at having to hold her leg for the shot. Sasha still shot me a whithering "et tu, brute?" look that made me feel like I was the meanest, most horrible mother in the world. Somehow I didn't take it as hard as the previous months. The nurse left and I calmed Sasha down by nursing her until she bit me. I deserved that. It reminded me that I didn't ask the ped about that darned biting problem but I didn't feel like chasing her down and I felt like the worst was over anyways.
I can't believe 6 months have passed by already. We don't have to go to the ped until 9 months now.
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