Sasha is biting me when nursing...and I mean hard. She clamps down with that sharp new tooth of hers and just doesn't let go, like a vice grip. She has drawn blood a few times. I have a sore. I'm afraid she's going to take off my nipple.
The moment she bites me, I lose my mind. Everything I ever planned to do when she bites is out the window. It was so easy to say "just smush her face into your breast when she bites", or "just take her off and say no". But when she bites and won't let go, I am incapable of logical or conscious thought when she bites, just involuntary self-protective reaction. I end up screaming in pain and wrestling with her for my boob back, and she gets understandably scared and starts crying. The only control I have, if I am braced for it, is to keep from screaming or hurting her.
I am watching our nursing relationship decline and I am so sad I am near tears. It used to be so happy and relaxing for both of us. Now I am dreading every nursing session and I think she is starting to also. I really wanted to make it to 1 year. Maybe 6 months isn't so bad.
I am thinking of maybe just pumping only.
I've already read a bunch of advice, and it's no help when I am in the moment she bites and can barely control my screams. There really doesn't seem to be anything I can do other than endure the bites and that is just causing both me and my daughter to be tense and scared during nursing sessions. I don't know how on earth the human race made it this far; this nursing stuff is hard.
I'm just sad. And scared. I want my old toothless baby back but that's not possible. I wish she would just stop on her own so we could go back to the way we were.
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