22 March 2007


Thursday, March 22nd, 2007, 3:55 am

Hehe, she finally filled her diaper up after about 4 days. Apparently it was impressive. I was at work when it happened so my husband was on diaper duty. Then again, he's almost always on diaper duty. Honestly, he does more diapers than I do. He's a wonderful father.

Sasha has been really groggy since her 6month DTP immunization. The last time she got the DTP shot she was like this too. Unfortunately it appears that she may be mixing her day and night up. For a night shift family like ours, that means she is starting to stay awake during the day and is sleeping at night which also means that sleep is becoming difficult for me. I have to try to schedule naps with my husband.

We cosleep out of necessity. We only have a two bedroom apartment and that is not likely to change for at least another year. My 12yo does NOT want to share a room with a baby so that puts Sasha in with us. I didn't even bother to buy her a crib. Anyways, the point of this tangent is that today, Sasha was awake instead of sleeping with me so I had to divide sleeping shifts with my husband. When I took my turn to sleep, it was the first time in a long time that I haven't slept with a baby by my side. I feel bad admitting this, but it felt kind of good to sprawl out and sleep without having to worry about a baby next to me. I could sleep on my back! I could toss and turn. I could completely zonk out without having to keep a small part of me alert like I do when cosleeping. It was strangely refreshing, sort of like a vacation. Last time Sasha got her sleeping schedule mixed up like this, I ended up missing cosleeping and I know that will be the case this time too. But for now I'm enjoying a little more sleep freedom. My husband is good at letting me get my sleep so I'm not overtired at work at night.

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