Part of being a parent is keeping track of baby poo. It's in the job description.
A few days ago, I posted that poor Sasha hasn't filled her diaper with anything solid lately. Well, she still hasn't and she has her parents worried. It's been about 7 days now. I called her pediatrician's office yesterday and asked for advice. They recommended I take her temperature rectally to get things moving and that I make her drink prune juice.
Well, she stopped eating solids about 4 days ago. She would NOT have anything to do with prune juice. Their thermometer trick did not produce any results. And still we have empty diapers. I worry because her milk consumption has also declined and that caused my milk production to start to decline. And I also worry that now that Sasha has started to refuse to eat solids, that we might experience a problem with her eating solids even after she finally fills a diaper.
So today I called the pediatrician and asked for more advice. They asked me if I could have her in the office within the next 30 minutes. Gotta love our pediatrician's office! 30 minutes later, we were in their waiting room. There was a cute set of 11 month old girl twins, and Sasha made a friend with the non-sick one.
Then in the examination room, Dr Ross pushed her belly in and stuck her pinky up Sasha's butt :( Poor baby. Doc determined that Sasha didn't appear to be blocked, and that she would poo when the time was right. She thought that a good evacuation was imminent but actually we have still not seen any results.
I guess we'll see tomorrow. I've never actually been hopeful for a big baby poo.
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