One of the things about having two kids is the ability to compare their personalities. Well, not only with my own kids, but I can compare Sasha's personality to other babies I've been close with such as neices and nephews. One thing that stands out to me is how genuinely affectionate Sasha is.
Cassie was not really an affectionate baby. More of a "look at me!" baby, she preferred praise and attention to what she was doing. Affection was something she endured and not very well. Most of the times if I or someone hugged or kissed her, she would squirm away, push them away, or turn away. She didn't willingly give affection as a little one unless she was commanded or requested to, like "Give mommy a kiss", then she would do so for the praise she received or for the accomplishment of it. But most of the time it wasn't genuine affection. I know she loved me in her own way, she just wasn't a huggy kissy child. It wasn't displayed physically.
Sasha, by contrast, is so affectionate. Once in a while she gets this look on her face with full eye contact, and she'll just grab Jon or I by the head, pull our face to her, and give us this huge face biting smushy-faced kiss to the cheek that lasts for like 15 seconds. She does it to me more than Jon but that's mostly because his face is more stubbly than mine, but when he's smooth and clean shaven he gets his fair share of baby face-sucking kisses.
Then there's the times when she's sitting nicely on the ground playing. I pick her up when she's starting to get bored, and I am rewarded with a big snuggly of those hugs where you can see it in her whole body. She throws her arms around my neck and burrows her face into the crook of my neck. She shakes her head back and forth to burrow her face deeper into the folds of my neck and hugs for dear life. It's like she's saying "I'm so glad to see you" with all she has. It's not just the hugs and kisses. She enjoys being held or being close to those she loves.
All babies love their parents. Just some personalities show their affection in different ways than others. Of all the babies I've seen, Sasha displays more affectionately than any baby I've ever known.
And she's also a bit more sympathetic/empathetic too. Jon has remarked many times how Sasha looks at him with such concern when he seems to be hurt, has a headache, or just isn't feeling well. She seems to read it on him better than anyone. She KNOWS when her daddy isn't feeling right and she doesn't like it. She'll either try to make him feel better or it will upset her. It's interesting how Sasha and Jon are very in tune with each other.
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