This usually happens when I'm in a hurry to leave the house and take a 'quick second' to change Sasha's diaper first.
I think it was 9:25pm, and I had to leave for work at 9:30. Since Sasha had just woken up, I figured I'd change her diaper before I left for work. I had let her sleep in just a diaper, so when I took her diaper off she was pretty much a naked baby. No big deal. My husband came in, and I forgot what else happened, but the jist of the story is she started to pee... while she was laying there on the changing table. Ambushed me! This has happened to me countless times before so it should be no big deal. Jon picked her up and had her standing in her changing table so I could mop up the pee with a paper towel. She was looking at the puddle of pee near her feet as I cleaned it up and seemed a bit interested. So interested that she peed again. She seemed to find the streams of pee coming from her very fascinating...so she did it two more times! Each time, I thought there's no way she could go anymore, she had to be done but nope, somehow she managed to muster up some more. I think the last two times were intentionally done out of curiousity.
I guess it probably says a lot about what kind of mother I am, but I found Sasha's little potty experiment hilarious. I was proud of her as it seemed to me like she was experimenting and figuring out how to use her body. Yay baby! Now if only we could work on her timing.
Coincidentally this was the second time she 'ambushed' us in the last 24 hours. She got Jon pretty good earlier in the morning.
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