Cassie had her orchestra spring recital at school tonight and it was pretty neat. Cassie has been proudly practicing her bass for us over the past few months and even gave Sasha a special "show" once, which Sasha thoroughly enjoyed. So tonight I took the girls to Cassie's concert. It was just me, Cassie, and Sasha.
Sasha was so well behaved! I couldn't believe how good she was. And she was in a lively good mood as well. She danced to every song. She smiled at almost every stranger in the nearby audience and the woman next to me even took her picture.
Sasha especially loved the chorus' performance. Is it wrong of me to say that although the chorus performed magnitudes better than their Christmas performance, they didn't really sound very good. (I'm being nice when I say that.) It makes me wonder...when I was in 7th and 8th grade, did our school chorus sound so bad? Oh man I'm going to get hit by lightning now aren't I? How dare I criticise a 7th and 8th grade chorus performance. So what if the boy's voices were in the middle of their changes and most of them sounded tone deaf. But I must say they were very lively and they chose some modern songs which definitely had their enthusiasm. And hey, Sasha loved it. She clapped and danced in my lap and squeaked and seemed to try to sing along. She didn't care if they were out of tune. It gave her a chance to practice her fun new skill: applauding. Her face just lit up everytime it was time to clap at the end of each number.
Cassie did well. The bass and cello sections sounded good. Cassie was the only 7th grade bass player. There were a few violins and violas that sounded very very screechy and off key. Cassie said she was disappointed by the violas. For her favorite song, she expressed exasperation. She practiced it so hard to have the 'violas ruin it'. She mentioned that maybe next year she'd like to try band...sure they didn't have the violas or crackling voices, but when a horn hits a bad note, everyone knows it.
Well don't I feel absolutely low for criticising a 7th and 8th grade band/orchestra/chorus recital. I did enjoy seeing my daughter play and it was a great experience for the little one. I had a good time.
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