Mama's Girl
She's a mama's girl this week. She and I really have a good connection. We play together and have a lot of fun. I can read her every glance and expression and she is so communicative. She started saying "MAMA". At first it seemed so random but she's saying it more and with more intent. She's almost starting to seem like she understands that I am Mama.
Unfortunately, it seems like either Jon or I have a good connection to Sasha at any given time. So often, Sasha was a Daddy's girl. They could read each other, had their own special routines and games they played. And I was the odd parent out. But now the past two weeks or so, it seems to have shifted. As my connection to Sasha grows, their connection seems to be waning. I think I'd almost prefer that if Sasha can't be in tune with both of us at the same time, then I'd rather she be closer to Jon than to me. He's the one that has to stay with her all night while I'm at work.
But I don't want to just stop playing with her! I've been having so much fun with her! So he'll just have to step it up if he's going to get her favor back :)
I think we are both going to have to get used to the fact that she will probably bounce back and forth between us...that some times she'll love us both equally. But sometimes, she just might favor one of us over the other. And when that happens, we have to learn not to take it personal. She'll always come back to both of us eventually.
Assisted Walking
She loves her new-found favorite past-time of assisted walking. I hold her little hands and let her explore the house as she walks around. I let her turn her head to steer in the direction she wants to go, and I watch her gaze to see what captures her rapt attention. She walks around and explores everything. Bags of diapers, doors, Cassie's room, mirrors, carpet lint, and everything she happens to walk past. It is almost like a preview of the toddler she will become, when she will walk around the house and get into everything.
I still can't get over how well she is sitting. It seemed like it happened over night. One day, I would sit her up and if I wasn't holding her or propping her up she would topple over. Then the next day, she was sitting on her own for hours with no assistance at all! What gets me is she looks like such a big girl sitting there on her own, playing with her toys.
This is the beginning of separation anxiety. If she sees me leave the house, she gets mad! Today, she watched me leave for work and threw a two hour temper tantrum. I eventually had to leave work to go home and calm her down. (Fortunately I live a block away from work, and they are fine with me running home to nurse her when I need to.) This gave my poor husband a headache and I think it hurt his feelings a little. He had to listen to her cry for the whole two hours, and none of his usual Daddy-tricks worked to calm her down.
Working on that Sleep Schedule
We decided to try to work on Sasha's sleep schedule. Specifically, we want her back on a night shift schedule with me. It was so much easier on the whole household when she was cosleeping with me during the day. We all got sleep. And well rested parents are good for kids :)
So far, we've almost got her migrated. I'd say we're half-way there. Instead of sleeping most of the time I'm at work, she's sleeping half of it. I can imagine how hard it must be for my husband to have to try to keep her awake all night so that she will be ready to sleep during the day. I know it can't be easy.
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