Sasha has been making up for those 7 days of empty diapers, which we knew she would. Unfortunately, we had an incident that was quite upsetting for both me and Sasha.
We went to Red Robin for dinner. We forgot to bring the bumbo seat, and Sasha sat nicely in a high chair for the whole meal which is a first for her. After dinner, we decided to go for a stroll around the mall. As we exited the restaurant into the mall, I noticed she smelled funny but she had been really gassy so I assumed it was gas. Then as we walked down the mall, I casually happened to glance down as Sasha was squirming in my arms and Oh My God my sleeve was full of baby poo. I had some on my shirt and there was some on her cute little outfit. We quickly returned to the restaurant to use their restroom.
Needless to say, cleaning her up in one of those stupid baby changing tables at the restaurant was traumatic. Sasha always gets upset in foreign changing stations and screamed bloody murder the whole time she was in it. It was too high up for me to work comfortably and was over the toilet. The more I tried to clean her up, the more mess I made. I can not convey in words just how much of a mess it was. I wanted to just throw myself to the ground and cry but I knew that wouldn't accomplish anything so why bother. Cassie was so helpful. She fetched me paper towels and whatever I needed. At some point, I realized the situation required a trash bag so Cassie got a trash bag from the restaurant staff.
Sasha still seems to be mad at me for that whole incident. She cries if I try to change her diaper but she never liked it when I changed her diaper anyways. I try not to take it personal but it does sting a little. The first few times Dad changed her diaper she cried and I think that hurt his feelings, but she seems to be warming up so long as I am not in her sight. I do feel bad that she had such a bad experience but I don't know that I could have done any better than I did. I know in my heart I gave it the best I could.
Poor baby. Now I just have to get this fear out of my head that she is going to explode on me any time we leave the house with her. She's like a ticking pooping time bomb and I never know when she's going to go off or if I'll be prepared for the next explosion. I hope we don't have to go through this ever again.
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