24 November 2007


What have you been up to??? I miss talking to you.


Anonymous said...

Lol! A total and utter World of Warcraft addict at the moment. The kid starts school in Feb. Christmas is coming too fast and my nose is peeling :/. I'll write an update soon.. I promise!

Cindy said...

We go into and out of our Warcraft phases. I didn't see you on that old server that you used to be on anymore, did you move your character? My home computer has been broken the past few months so I haven't played in a long time. Jon still plays but he's getting bored. He's on horde side on a server that has an 18:1 Alliance to Horde ratio! It's terrible! LOL! He should probably just move to a different server.
I can't believe your little guy is going to start school! Your school years start in February? I'm not sure how school goes in your part of the world. What do they call the first year of school?
You still working? I'll wait for your update or I can just email you as I just got your new email address.
Anj reads my blog thingy too so say hi to her too :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I gave the alliance toons to the husband :p. I'm now on Proudmoore as uh Samasia (main), Asasia and a few assorted other 'hobby' lvlers.

Should fix your comp! A bit of WoW before sleeping while the kids are in bed is a nice way to wind down :). WoW does seem to go in boredom cycles, a change always helps be it main char/server/guild etc! Ratio doesn't bother me a whole lot, less horde means shorter battleground queues, hence faster honour.. YAY!

I'll have a rant about the school age changes, my non working status and a few other things when I get around to an update :p.

OMG HI ANJ! Hope all is well with you and Pat in your little corner of the world <3.

Jesyn said...

Ok I did it!



Cindy said...

Awesome! Bookmarked!