Sasha has added some new "words" to her vocabulary...animal sounds! I've been working with her on those, especially now that she has a puzzle with pictures of animals on it that she likes to play with. She's also taken a new enjoyment in reading with me, and some of her books have animals in them also.
She can now Quack like a duck, Tweet like a bird, Woof like a dog, Moo like a cow, and Baa like a sheep. We're working on some other sounds too but I don't think I've heard them yet. Yesterday, I saw a flock of geese flying overhead while we were in a store parking lot. I pointed up in the air at them and said "Look Sasha! Birds!". She watched in rapt amazement at the geese flying through the air. She then signed the sign language for 'bird' and said "Tweet Tweet". Clever little girl!
Like I said, Sasha has a great interest in books lately. She'll grab a book from her bookcase, then she'll walk over to me. If I am sitting on the floor cross legged, she'll turn herself around so her back is facing me and will slowly walk herself backwards and sit herself down in my lap. That means it's time to read. She turns the pages and points at the pictures in her books, and I read to her or tell her what is going on in the pictures. I'm so glad that she is so interested in reading.
Sasha still has a mouthful of teeth coming in and several of those teeth look painful. My husband is still sick, and he's been trying to keep from spreading it to me or Sasha. Sasha has been a little more crabby than usual today and she's been grabbing at her neck. I'm not sure if that means she's getting a sore throat or not. I hope not! My husband says he feels absolutely miserable so I hope she is spared.
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