04 December 2007

Sasha's House

Here is one of the toys Sasha LOVES whenever we go to her little preschool program. It's an old toy though, not available for sale anymore. It's a Little Tykes play house. She loves to open and close the front door. The mailbox opens and closes and there is a plastic envelope that can go in the mailbox like little fake mail. There's a little garden with plastic carrots and turnips and stuff that she can pull out. There are flowers and spinning birds. And even a doorbell. She mostly just opens and closes the door, and opens and closes the mailbox repeatedly, never getting bored of that.

Most of the time she spends at the Monday preschool program, she spends defending her house. Sometimes other little intruders try to come inside but she stands her ground. She doesn't push them. They might try to push her, but she stubbornly stands firm and eventually they go away and leave her to her house again. Now that's my girl!

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