Sasha had her two-year old doctor appointment today.
In the past, Sasha has had weight troubles. At her last doctor appointment, she had weighed in at below the third percentile for her age.
Fortunately, it appears our troubles are gone for now. Praise chocolate milk and brown rice!
Sasha weighed 24.5 lbs, which was the 25th percentile according to our doctor's charts.
She is 35.4 inches tall, which is the 50th percentile.
So she's doing great with her weight! Now I can concentrate on getting nutritious food into her, instead of a 'food at all costs' free for all like it has been the past few months. Basically, if Sasha would eat it, if it had calories she could have it. Now we can afford to start getting picky again.
The appointment went well. We almost overslept, so we had to rush really quickly to the office. We were late. My husband didn't have time to shower so he had to stay home. I know he really wanted to be there with us. He feels like Sasha needs him, especially when it comes to shots and he wants to be there for her.
I talked to Sasha in the waiting room and explained to her that she was seeing The Doctor, and I tried to explain a little of what she could expect. That The Doctor would look in her ears and her eyes and her nose and would listen to her heart. I think she understood a little.
So when the nurse came into the exam room, Sasha did not get upset at all. This was a new nurse. Well, we've never seen her before. This nurse was wonderful! The nurse gave Sasha easy to understand commands, and Sasha obeyed. She told Sasha to sit on the scale, so Sasha did. When the nurse told Sasha to lay down to be measured, Sasha happily complied.
Bloodwork needed to be done for anemia and lead testing, and a tb test. The nurse said it's easier to take blood from a child's toe than a finger. She washed Sasha's feet (which Sasha loved!) and gave Sasha a book to read. Sasha read the book and didn't care at all that the nurse just jabbed her toe with a needle and milked it for blood. For the TB test, the nurse told Sasha that she was putting a bubble on Sasha's skin. Sasha loves bubbles, so she was fine with that. She watched the nurse put the needle under her skin, and with no objections observed her new bubble. She proudly showed it to us. Not a single tear shed. Damn that nurse was good.
The doctor came in next. Sasha was fine with the doctor and her inspections. She gave the doctor a cheerful "Hi Doctor!".
I addressed my concerns with the doctor. I was concerned about Sasha's abdomen. Her belly button turned from an innie to an outie with all her weight gain, and Sasha has been constipated. She screams and cries whenever she goes poop. The doctor dismissed my concerns.
More shots. This time, vaccines. The nurse returned to give Sasha two shots, both in the upper legs. I had to hold Sasha down while the nurse gave the vaccinations, and this time Sasha cried, because they hurt. The nurse put bandaids on the owies, and Sasha was again happy. She pointed out her owies and her bandaids and even called them her "Sasha's pwize" (prize). Bandaids made it all better.
My husband sent me some text messages when it was vaccine time. He felt like he wanted to be there for Sasha. He said he felt as though she was upset. Those two have a special bond.
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