This age is the best! Can I just freeze her at this age forever please?
Sasha is my little buddy. She's also a great helper.
She has always been our little shadow. It used to get annoying in the kitchen because she'd try to get into everything. It was darned near impossible to accomplish anything.
But now, she's more observant and helpful. All I have to do is pull up a chair next to me for her to stand on and she'll watch what I'm doing.
For example, when I made beef stew with my new pressure cooker. I had to chop up a bunch of vegetables. Usually this is an exercise in frustration. Chop, chase the kid, chop again, put away all my pots and pans that are scattered across the floors. Now she stands on the chair and watches me. She points out each vegetable and we talk about what I'm doing.
"Mama chopping carrots. Orange carrots". Then I offer her a taste of each item. A few nibbles of carrots. A bunch of nibbles of green pepper (she loves those). Some celery. Even to my surprise, raw onion. She actually liked eating raw onion. Strange kid.
She helps us make our tea (completely supervised).
She helps me wash dishes. Actually she's more like a slave driver. She hands me dirty dishes, commands me "WASH DISHES MAMA!", then the moment I grab the dirty dish from her to start washing it, she grabs another dish and starts commanding me to wash that. I can't keep up with her pace but she sure makes me wash dishes faster.
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