One of our newest favorite pictures, a daddy and daughter moment. They were drawing happy faces and shapes and stuff on a whiteboard and just having fun together.
Today, my husband and Sasha played really hard. This is not unusual. It's actually the norm. What's unusual is that I was awake enough to see some of the silly games that they usually play when I am asleep during the daytime.
Sasha has a table and chair set. She and my husband threw a blanket over the top so that the blanket draped over the sides. This was now "Sasha's house". They took a pillow and used that for a door. Sasha went under her little table and pretended it was her house.
Sasha loves drawing with crayons. I don't think I've mentioned that here yet. She runs up to my husband and says "Paper please!". (Have I mentioned how polite she is? She always says "please" and "thank you"). He hands her a piece of paper and she happily takes it to the table with her crayons and scribbles away. Sometimes she'll bring her paper and crayons up to one of us and ask us "happy face?". We draw a happy face on the paper for her. She takes the paper and crayon back to her table and happily colors over the happy face. She also likes it when my husband draws some shapes (circle, square, star, etc) or some numbers or some letters for her.
She loves numbers, shapes, and the alphabet, and especially drawn "happy faces". She's getting really good at them too. She mostly knows her shapes and colors. She can sing parts of the abc song. She can also almost count to ten, but she tends to get stuck in loops with some of the numbers. I haven't heard her count to ten successfully yet but she is so close.
She often sees a number or letter and she correctly tells us what it is. For example, she loudly announced "FOUR!" today as she pointed to the number 4 on her box of diapers (We are about to switch her to size 4 but she's still in size 3 yet).
Basically, she's been playing really hard, and it's hard to keep the living room cleaned up after her. She likes to play with all her toys, especially her Mister Potato head, which she adores. She plays with her blocks, her train set, her large legos, her puzzles, her ball. After a good play session, the living room looks like a toy box exploded.
I guess that's the sign of a good time when a toddler is around. But honestly, she is a lot of fun to play with and a joy to be around. My husband remarked today, "So when do the terrible two's begin?". She is just so pleasant and has such a sweet personality. I don't think we'll have any problems with her.
1 comment:
It sounds like Sasha is enjoying being a toddler! It also sounds like she is such a pleasure!
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