13 October 2009

Kisses in her pocket

As I posted before, Sasha has this cute thing she does when she says goodbye to someone. She gives them an extra "kiss" for them to put in their pocket and take with them. Usually this is for my husband when he leaves for work in the morning.
Yesterday, she noticed the sweater she was wearing had pockets on it. I was in a silly mood, and gave her a kiss and told her to put in in her pocket. She gave me a quizzical look and asked me, "Now I can go to work?!?"


I know I still have to at least post about Sasha's third birthday and her party, which occurred almost a month ago. But I wanted to share this picture of the vanity table set that Sasha received for her birthday. Her grandma and dad built it for her and it's quite cute.
She also received many costumes and children's play make-up, so that she can play dress-up. Yesterday, we finally got the vanity set with storage bench moved into her room and she is able to play with it now. In the picture above, she is brushing her hair at her vanity table.


Apparently they don't believe in autumn in Montana. One day a few weeks ago (and every day before it), it was sweltering 90+ degrees. Then overnight the chill set in, and we've been getting snow. I think we did get a day of autumn, so Sasha got to jump in the leaves:

Like I said, we barely had a day or two of "autumn". This is what we have now:

Sasha wants to play in the snow, but we don't quite have all that she needs to safely play in the cold and stay warm. She has her boots and jacket, but we still need to get her some mittens and snow pants. Once we get that, I think my little girl will live in the snow.
Here we are putting our child to work:

Okay, we let Sasha play outside for a few minutes. She insisted she wanted to shovel the way she saw her big sister do it when we demanded Cassie shovel our sidewalks.

01 October 2009


This cute little exchange occurred between Sasha and her dad.
Sasha was examining the pockets of her father's jacket.
Sasha: Dad, what's in your pockets?
Dad: Nothing, they're empty
Sasha: Put something in them!
Dad: Okay, how about you put a kiss in my pocket for me? That way I'll always have a Sasha kiss with me.
Sasha puts a kiss in her dad's jacket pocket.

Then later, my husband told Sasha that he was happy he had her kiss in his pocket, because he had her kiss by his heart all day at work. She grabbed him by his collar, pulled him close, and gave him a kiss on his heart.