24 June 2009

Misheard lyrics

Each night, I sing a song to Sasha as part of our bedtime routine. She usually chooses between Twinkle Twinkle, Mary had a little lamb, 5 Little Monkeys, the ABC song, or a few other songs.
Yesterday she was playing in her bedroom and singing to herself. I smiled. It was Mary Had a Little Lamb. Then I heard her version:
"She made the toilet laugh and play."
Oops! I can't quite figure her version out.

She has a bunch of funny little sayings. I wish I could remember them all. I don't know where exactly she picked up the phrase "Close the gate man", but I've been asking around as to the origin where she picked up that phrase. I'm sure it must have a story.
Her favorite things to play lately are Tea Party, and Doctor. She has a little doctor set and enjoys making each of us play the patient while she injects us with her syringe, listens to our hearts with her stethoscope, hammers on our knees, and takes our blood pressure with her toy sphygmomanometer.
There is a school playground a block away, so we take her to that for a few minutes each day. We can't stay long. Although I do slather each of us up with sunblock, the sun is very harsh and still manages to burn us quickly if we don't take care to limit our sun exposure. My husband is burned beyond lobster right now. I prefer to avoid sun damage on myself and on my kids.

Oh and Sasha really does have a huge fan club. At my mother-in-law's restaurant, there is a group of ladies that go there daily in the hopes of Sasha being there. They all absolutely adore her. They make special crafts and presents for Sasha. Sasha knows them like family and hops into their laps the moment she sees them.

19 June 2009

Move Complete!

We are now official residents of the beautiful state of Montana.
We rented a u-haul truck, and had movers come to help us with packing, loading the truck, and cleaning the apartment. Long story short, they sucked at all except loading. Because they did such a horrible job at packing, we had to abandon some much needed furniture to make room on the truck, and they charged us overtime because it took them so long. Their cleaning skills sucked too.
But we made it safe and sound. The drive was very long and we had to spend two overnights in hotels along the way. I am very glad we made the trip safely though.
We got the truck unpacked, thanks to the help of my mother-in-law and her husband. She also helped us unpack. She is very talented at organizing and decorating, so it's starting to look really nice here.
The apartment is bigger than I imagined. I can't believe how huge it is. One of these days I'll have to get some pictures up, but I can't do that until I find my card reader.
Anyways, just wanted to quick post an update that we are safe and busy. Internet just got hooked up about an hour ago but we don't have a computer desk anymore. My husband will have to build that, and an entertainment center for us too.

Oh, I almost forgot. Sasha was so happy to see me and I was so happy to see her too. I cried like a baby and held her in my arms when we were reunited for the first time, and she held me so hard and wouldn't let me go. She and I have been nearly inseparable since and thankfully no damage to our relationship with the 2.5 month separation. She is LOVING her new apartment and bedroom.

12 June 2009

It's almost time

This might be my last post from Illinois! The BIG move is this weekend, and things are getting hectic, if they weren't already.
Tonight I will be reunited with my husband, and I look forward to that. I miss him terribly. But no time to relax and say hi, as we have a ton of work to do in a very short time period.
I really really hope this move goes well. That we arrive at our destination safely with all our belongings. Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. I am nervous and I know there is no rest for me for at least a week. I now look forward to the day that I can hug my family and maybe even relax in my new home.

Cassie, meanwhile, has a little last minute adjustment problems. She had a crush on a boy in her woodshop class on since October, and he finally asked her out on the last day of school. He didn't know she was moving. They've spent a little time together yesterday and the day before, and are now "in love". All along, she's looked forward to the move, but now she has a lot of hesitation. I know she will miss her friends and her new boyfriend, and I do feel for her. Alas we've already moved things forward and there's no going back anymore. I hope she will be okay. She and I have gotten very close the last few months alone together and I love her very much. I want for her to be happy. I want everyone to be happy. But I don't think there's much that can be done anymore.
We're moving forward and I have faith that the move is good for everyone in the long run. Even for Cassie.

05 June 2009

Dad is busy!

Above is a picture of the new bed and toybox/bookshelf that my husband has built for Sasha. And here is Sasha checking her new bed out.

Everything still needs paint. The bed and toy shelf will join the armoire in Sasha's new bedroom once we get moved in. Move in date is less than two weeks away.

Meanwhile, my husband has been painting the new apartment. Here is a before and after shot, still in progress:


I did not like the yellow and that yucky brown that it was originally.
Now it's not done, because actually my mother-in-law is going to do some rag-rolling to that blueish grey wall. That's where you take a rag and stick it in paint, then blotch it on the wall in a pattern. So the blue wall will have white rag rolling done over it and it will probably look something like this.

Less than two weeks and our family will be reunited again. These next two weeks will definitely be busy though.