Not exactly what we'd put in the baby book now is it?
But today, Sasha just seemed different. Something in her personality seems to have changed.
I got home from work and my poor overworked husband needed a nap. He hasn't been sleeping well so I had her all to myself for about two hours. Sasha and I had fun. I took her to the laundry room and let her bang on the washers and dryers for a bit, hehe. Then after a Korean couple came in and started the washing machine up, Sasha became scared of the washing machines so she started crying. We went down to the lobby. I let her run amok down there for a while as I sat in a comfy sofa. At first Sasha stayed RIGHT next to me but she got more and more brave until she was happily climbing all over the place. It was refreshing not to have to yell "Sasha NO!" every few seconds.
After about an hour of that, I got a chocolate craving. I took Sasha for a walk over to the local 7-eleven. I got a Milky Way candy bar and a buffalo chicken taquito. I was carrying Sasha so it was easier for me to hand her the candy bar to hold on to while we walked back home. She happily nibbled on it with it still in the wrapper and caused no damage to it at all. When we got home I went back to the lobby and tried to take my candy bar away from her. Well, she didn't want to hand over the candy bar so after I wrestled it away from her she threw a temper tantrum.
Now Sasha has cried many many times before. She cries when she's hungry or tired or has a dirty diaper. She sometimes cries when I lay her on her back, she gets easily scared by strangers. But crying for a candy bar? That's the first time for me that she's ever cried for a specific item that she wanted. Cried for a want, not a need, is I guess the best way to describe it. She threw herself on the floor and had a royal hissy fit.
Well if there was any chance of me handing the candy bar back to her, it ended with the tantrum. I don't want to give her the idea that her tantrums will make me change my mind so I had to stand firm and took her back home.
Sasha has started talking again! She had been talking a few months back, saying mama and dada, etc, but she had completely stopped. Well, there was a dog in the lobby, and I pointed it out to her and repeatedly said "Dog". She started saying Dog Dog Dog Dog and for the next few hours she was constantly saying dog. Then a few hours later when my husband walked out of the living room, she started a barrage of "DADADADADADADADADADADADADADADADADAADA!". That lasted quite a while. My husband aptly put it when he said that she seemed as though she was making up for the last month or so of not saying Dada anymore.
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