Sasha's current record for standing without holding on to anything is now 61 seconds. I saw it myself this time. She still plays her standing game many times a day. It seems to be one of her favorite pasttimes. Of course, she waits for her cheers and applause, and she cheers for herself, claps, and says "yay!".
She also accidentally took her first steps yesterday. She was holding on to a toy, and I think the toy in her hand gave her a false sense of holding on to something. Once she realized she was not in fact holding on to anything for support she sat down. She only took about two steps. She's still got a bit before she's walking I'm sure.
My husband told me a cute Sasha story today. She loves to try to put random objects in our mouths sometimes. She decided to try to shove the handle of one of her teething toys into his mouth but she was not satisfied with how far it went in his mouth. A panicked look came across her face. She looked around the room frantically. She saw a wooden block nearby, picked it up, and pounded the toy with it to try to hammer the teething toy further down his mouth. Wonder what she was thinking. She certainly thought she was being helpful.
Cassie likes to play Dance Dance Revolution on her playstation. She's really good at it and it's good exercise too. Sasha used to like to watch Cassie play it. But now she's no longer content to be just a spectator. She wants to try to play it herself too. Today I had a hard time keeping a very determined Sasha off the dance pad so her big sister could play. She almost got stepped on a few times.
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