I was out of peaches, which seems to be her favorite food. So I thought to myself in one of my not-so-bright moments, "Oh I wonder what she'll think of zucchini". So I cooked up some zucchini and pureed it up for her. But I didn't just stop there. It looked so bland. So I thought to myself "hmm it needs more flavor, maybe I could add some pureed green pepper. After all, green pepper is a great source of vitamin c". So I pureed a little green pepper, I swear it wasn't very much at all, and added it. Two little slices. But the zucchini didn't really taste like anything so the green pepper sort of overpowered it. Then I thought, "darn, now I need to dilute out that green pepper taste. Maybe she'll like some carrot". I steamed and pureed up some carrot and added it.
I personally think it all turned out very tasty. I could imagine using it as some sort of sauce or in a stew or something. Too bad I didn't make it for myself.
Sasha didn't think it was tasty at all. She took one taste and gagged. I've never seen anything like it. It was a tiny taste, barely any in her mouth. She just held the food in her mouth (there wasn't any food in her mouth but she didn't care), refused to swallow, stuck her fingers in her mouth to wipe the taste off her tongue, and gagged and cried until she threw up. And not a little throw up. She emptied the whole contents of her belly out onto the high chair. Poor thing.
So when she doesn't like a food, she can be quite dramatic.
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