I figured I was going to do it someday. After all, the name of the blog is "Virgo Baby" right? So what is it that makes MY Virgo baby such a virgo?
Well, first what exactly is a virgo baby? A birthday between August 23rd to September 22nd for starters.
I have an astrology book. Several of them actually. I've always found it interesting how people really do seem to fit their astrological signs. So this one book I have is called "Zodiac Baby: An Astrological Guide to Your Little Star", written by Sarah Bartlett. It's a very cute book. I think I got it at Barnes and Noble. I hope the author doesn't mind if I quote a little section of it because I do recommend her book :)
Virgo Babies:Why I'm adorable:- I like to look cute and stay clean all the time
- I'm helpful, kind, and care about animals
- Once I can talk, I say fascinating and funny thingsWhy I'm impossible- I'm a very fussy eater
- My organized chaos drives you mad
- I'm very sensitive to noise, pollution, and smellsMy Secret Side- I'm very smart and quick to psych you out
- Give me a routine and I'll thrive
- I prefer the company of grown-upsI like- Brand new sheets and clothes
- Looking after my imaginary friends
- Learning new things every day
- Keeping my books in orderI don't like- Noisy people
- Changes in routine
- Dirty fingernails
- People staring at meAnother source of information on what, exactly, are Virgo baby traits, is
http://www.bellybelly.com.au/articles/astrology/virgo-baby. I'll excerpt a bit from that source:
"Virgo – Heaven’s Little Helpers
You’ve got a little Worrier in the making here, so from Day One make a vow not to put too much of a burden on these little shoulders. You won’t have to discipline this little angel too much, for they’ll do it for themselves.
Virgo is the most responsible of all the signs, taking a lot of life’s burdens and responsibilities on their own shoulders and feeling a lot of guilt. Although this won’t really manifest until they are grown, you’ll find that even at a very young age they’ll worry about you, their brothers and sisters, the cat, the dog, grandma, anyone and anything to them....
They are born with a feeling of urgency and if they don’t feel productive, or busy, they get a sense that something is wrong.
By the time your little Virgo is full grown, they’ll be fanatical about pulling their weight.
To stop your little Virgo worrying so much, about the little things, realise that you have one of Heaven’s Helpers here. As soon as they’re old enough, let them help around the house, but don’t make it a chore, or they’ll feel even more responsible. You’re most likely to have a happy little Virgo if you make them feel important and that they are such a big help to Mummy or Daddy, that what would we do without them? Simple jobs will make them happy. They love to feel needed.There are plenty more virgo baby traits than those listed above. They like things quiet, calm, orderly, and routine. They are discriminating, picky, organized, hard workers, very smart. They are shy and easily upset by strangers but sweet and helpful. They are very sensitive to noises, smells, and thus are difficult babies to put to sleep at night. Every little sound wakes a virgo baby. Virgo babies are picky eaters; weaning a virgo baby may take extra patience and understanding because she's disturbed by change. Virgo babies like their diapers and clothes clean and enjoy simple colors and fabrics. They like books and bookstores. They enjoy games of tidying! They are shy and wary of strangers. They like things to be perfect and like to point out imperfections (Mine loves to pick up carpet lint and hand it to me!).
My Sasha dear is a very typical Virgo Baby. She is very cautious and shy. She loves to watch strangers so long as they are busy, distant, and not trying to interact with her. But the moment a stranger tries to interact with her, she will either hide her face away in shyness or she will start to cry and bury her face in her parent's shoulders.
She is VERY affectionate. She has an endless supply of hugs, snuggles, and big wet face sucking kisses for those close family members that she loves. It's not only the affection that makes her so sweet though. She is very caring and thoughtful and intuitive, especially for someone so young. She gets upset if she thinks something is wrong with her daddy or if he hurts himself. She gets very concerned for us when she thinks something is wrong and tries to make him feel better. She is empathetic and tries to soothe us if she thinks we need it. On more than one occasion, she has taken my face into her little hands, looked me deeply in the eyes, and rubbed my cheek and forehead to comfort me when I was upset about something.
She loves anything to do with organizing or cleaning! The poor girl is a born neat freak among slobs. One of her early favorite toys? A squeegee. She loves to play with pots and pans and cooking utensils. She loves brooms, dust pans, mops. More than her toys of course.
She loves it when I hold her and vacuum at the same time. Earlier this week, as I was holding her and vacuuming, she went into this sort of reverie. She was happily watching every single vacuuming stroke and studying. Eventually she started pointing out spots I missed and would squeak annoyedly until I went back and got the messy spot for her. THEN my husband walked in front of our vacuuming path. She got mad and started yelling at him and gesturing for him to get out of the way! No "yay I'm happy to see you daddy"...just "get out of the way dada we're vacuuming", haha!
She's always hated a dirty diaper, even when she was a very tiny baby. She'd cry worse than hunger if her diaper got wet and cold. I know by comparison that my older daughter, a gemini, never ever cared if her diaper was messy. My gemini baby hated the interruptions that diaper changing time brought her because she was always too busy with something else.
Sasha is high maintenance. By this I mean that she requires constant companionship and company. She does not like to leave our side, nor does she like it if we leave her side. Nor does she like it if she is not the center of our attention, except if we are cleaning and she can supervise. Rare is the moment when she will happily play by herself and allow us to check our email or computer. Sitting down at our computer desk is guaranteed to throw her into a temper tantrum.