Today, we celebrate our beloved daughter's first birthday. I can't believe it's been a year. To think a year ago today, I was uncomfortable and in pain, yet excited to meet the little new member of our family. I was dying of curiosity to know what she would look like, how she would be, whether we would bond. Once I had her in my arms I fell in love and couldn't let go. I was mesmerized by her perfect little nose, ears, fingers, toes, and that thick head of hair she had.
We've spent countless hours snuggled together. Nursing, sleeping, just carrying her around. I treasured every moment. Even when she was colicky and crying, we loved her and made great memories that will stay in my heart forever. Someday, when Sasha is a sassy teen giving me attitude, memories of "daddy dance" and "peek-a-boo" will bring me through.
I love you baby Sasha! I am so grateful that you are healthy. I love seeing your little personality emerge more each day and watching you grow. I know that your babyhood and childhood will pass by in what seems like the blink of an eye so I want to treasure every moment. I remind myself to enjoy every moment as you are growing so fast. Next thing I know you'll be an adult on your own. I hope that I can be a good parent to you and I can remember that my true purpose as a parent is to raise you to be a happy and successful adult.
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