Some of this baby stuff is not what I expected, especially when it comes to Sasha's eating.
The way I had imagined it:
-Nurse baby exclusively until she turns 6 months old, then wean after 1 year
-Pump at work and baby takes bottle of pumped milk while I'm gone
-Make homemade baby food and baby is so happy at all the yummy tastes that she develops a complex palate and appreciation for all the fresh and healthy foods
-Baby gradually eats more and more foods until she self weans
-Baby starts drinking whole cows milk from a sippy cup at 11 months replacing the milk she usually drinks while I'm at work
-Won't take a bottle of anything
-Fights food and feeding time, hardly eats anything but fresh peaches and a few cheerios
-Insists on breastfeeding and getting milk directly from the source, refuses pumped milk
-Shows more interest in eating bottle caps, pennies, and carpet lint than in baby food
-Is more interested in dumping out the contents of her sippy cup than drinking it
In the beginning, all was well. Sasha was eating well, nursing well, taking her bottles, and seemed to understand the sippy cup concept. Now that is no longer the case.
A few months back I found that there was something wrong with my pumped milk. Sasha started refusing all bottles of pumped milk, so started the headache of having to either run home from work to feed her, or having the baby delivered to my work for a feeding. It's a bit of a pain. Thankfully my work is very supportive of me...for now. But Sasha is about to turn a year old and I get the feeling they expect for me to start weaning her soon, at least from work feedings. So somehow I have to figure out how to switch her over to cows milk very soon at least while I'm at work. I have no idea how to do this.
She is pretty much refusing all other sources of fluid intake. She's known how to drink from a sippy cup since she was 6 months old...but she just doesn't want to. She is really good at refusing everything. She turns her face away from solids feedings. I don't want to turn feedings into power struggles or fights so what's a mom to do? Right now she lives on breastmilk, a small baby-size handful of cheerios, and maybe an ounce of peach baby food a day. I worry that it is not enough, and I worry that the stress of weaning her work feedings is going to be too much to endure. My husband has been very stressed taking care of her lately and weaning the work feedings is going to seriously intensify that stress level.
Ugh, well there's my problem. I don't know the solution yet but we'll see.
I can associate with this :p. Mark wouldn't even LOOK at a bottle or cup, letalone use one. What I wound up doing was putting his 'feed' into his solids during the day. I was able to deal with a whiny baby grabbing at my shirt, so long as I knew he wasn't missing out on essential nutrients (He liked his solids alot, so there weren't too many "You WILL eat this, young man!" episodes). Good luck with the cow's milk, Mark still isn't a fan of it to this day - he wouldn't even touch the toddler supplement drinks :(. I'm still sneaking extra milk into his food :p.
Thanks Amanda. So what did he drink, water? You don't suppose babies can survive on Cheerios alone do you? Do they have Cheerios in Aussieland? Hrm a quick google search says they do but they're made by Nestle instead of General Mills. (Cereal, not sausages! No idea what sausage cheerios are but some website says that "cheerios" in Australia means sausages, lol). Anyways it's about all I can get her to eat, although she did nibble on one of my doughnuts and drank some of my husband's coffee the other day. *shame* I really did try so hard to feed her nutritiously. Haha oh well :P
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