By request from one of my two readers, haha! Someone (Hi Anj!) asked me to take some pics of my freezer, specifically the homemade baby food cubes so here we are.
Right now, in my freezer, we have the following homemade baby food cubes:
-SKWAAAASH! (or squash, as the rest of you call it)
-Sweet potato
-Avocado (both avocado baby food, and cut up pieces of avocado that she can eat as finger food)
Frozen homemade baby food cubes are soooo pretty. The colors are very vibrant and bright. The broccoli and kale are bright green and the sweet potato and papaya are a brilliant orange.
Sasha's favorites in order of preference are: Peaches, SKWAAAASH!, mango, sweet potato, papaya, plums, pears (gritty consistency so it's not her favorite but she'll eat it). She won't touch the broccoli, kale, or sweet potato. I used to give her homemade cereals but they constipated her so bad that I stopped for a while. Now that she's been away from eating cereals for so long she rejects them now.
She is no longer adventurous when it comes to baby foods. She is downright picky. She'll eat carpet lint with no problem, but I try to give her something she hasn't had before and you'd think I was trying to feed her motor oil or something vile.
So if I had to give advice to moms considering homemade baby food, it is don't be offended if you go through all the effort and baby doesn't like a food you make. Don't make 70 gazillion baby food cubes of zucchini only to find that baby hates zucchini. I've got bags of kale, turkey, and broccoli that I'll have to find alternate use for unless Sasha suddenly develops a newfound like for them. Fortunately her mom likes them so I think I might be able to use them for some sort of pasta or casserole sauce.
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