As you can tell from a few posts back where I showed a picture of baby Sasha gleefully playing in my kitchen cupboards, I'm a little behind on the babyproofing. We have those little plug thingies that plug into electrical plugs. I got those as soon as I saw Sasha eyeing up the electrical outlets. But otherwise our baby proofing strategy mostly involved us following the baby around everywhere chanting "Sasha No!".
Well, the carpets in our apartment had been in hideous conditions from a few too many spilled iced teas and the fact that we've lived in that apartment almost two years without any carpet shampooing. My husband had been begging for a carpet shampooer (that word doesn't look right) and he finally bought us one the other day. He immediately shampooed the carpets and the whole house just looks and feels magnitudes cleaner and fresher. Why am I on a tangent about carpets in a post about babyproofing? Well he had to move all the furniture around to shampoo the carpets, and in doing so we decided to rearrange the furniture. The new furniture configuration looks nice and makes it easier to keep an eye on the baby. Suddenly watching her seemed less stressful. There was much less for her to get her hands on and less trouble for her to get into.
Today I went to the store and got a baby gate to block the kitchen off. And baby watching again became so much easier. I wish we would have gone and done this sooner. Tonight Jon made chili for dinner, and Sasha happily stood at the baby gate to watch him as he cooked. It was so nice to not have to worry about her getting into anything. It felt so nice and safe.
We are still in a cleaning and rearranging frenzy. The more work we put into it, the more we feel like doing. I really like the results so far.
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