22 May 2013

Dusting off the cobwebs

So, it's been a while. 2 years? Of course, a lot has happened in 2 years.

Sasha is in her final week of Kindergarten. We've had some cute adventures there. She's grown into quite a stubborn and feisty child with her distinctive personality. I have a few amusing anecdotes to share about her, most likely in upcoming posts.

Cassie has graduated high school a year ago and is serving in the military. We are expecting a visit from her in a few weeks, which we are looking forward to. I miss Cassie so very much. It's amazing and sad to watch a child grow and leave off on their own life, but I am so proud of Cassie. She has grown into a successful, fantastic, and productive adult member of human society.

 And I am currently 22 weeks pregnant with a third child now! A boy! How strange that is, to have a child grow up and leave as an adult, then find myself expecting a newborn. The age gaps will be interesting. Cassie will be 19 and Sasha will be 7 when this new child is born. The girls seem happy and excited, especially Cassie. Cassie says she always wanted a brother. I hope that Cassie can come home on leave at my due date to see her newborn brother.

So a new baby upcoming and I figured I could dust off the cobwebs on the baby blog. Especially so that Cassie can keep up with updates on her younger siblings while she is away from home. My Baby Sasha posts were for Sasha to read someday when she was grown, and now I think for my future posts, I shall address them all to Cassie so that she can still feel connected to her family while she serves her country.
Love you Cassie!

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